At DSI Recycling Systems, Inc., we believe that the only way to insure that our customers receive the maximum savings with their Clean Burn heating system, is to make sure that their system is installed correctly. Furnaces can be hung from the ceiling, mounted on stands, or installed in a tank and stand application.
Our DSi representative will take into account the heating needs, the available space, the storage tank requirements and location, and the operational, maintenance and service requirements of the equipment. Based on these factors we will determine, with the customer, which is the best location and method for installing their furnace.
Proper installation also involves insuring that the furnace will draft properly, that the handling of used oil is done safely and efficiently and that the transfer of the oil from the tank to the furnace takes the best possible route. Our factory-trained installers will recommend the best location for the furnace and tank, to meet the heat distribution requirements of each customer, while insuring that operation, maintenance and service are not compromised.
Our DSi installers utilize proper safety equipment and lifting devices to insure that the job gets done safely and in a timely manner. This will allow our customers to maximize the savings from their Clean Burn system for years to come.